Monday, December 7, 2009

Shortlived: The Bill Cosby Show

With the popularity of "The Cosby Show" in the mid 80s, some channels began to rerun this two season wonder from 1969 in order to feed the rampant "Cosbymania" that had gripped our nation.
But other than the titular star, the shows had little in common, this series was done on film, had no laugh track and was much more mellow in finding it's humour.
In this Cosby plays Chet, an LA area Gym teacher and it followed him through his adventures trying to help folks out or do the right thing. Chet doesn't always make the right call but he handles his foibles well and occasionally there is a lesson to be learned.
It's understandable how this ""Bill Cosby Show" didn't find a big audience with it's experimental (no laugh track simply wasn't done) approach but it's certainly a well done series. Shout Factory has it for sale on DVD which includes one of the last appearances of veteran actor Mantan Moreland playing Chet's Uncle!


Anonymous said...

I was big fan of Cosby's records as a kid and was real exited about the show coming out. But I just found the whole thing very dull.

Unknown said...

I remember that show!! Particularly an episode where he was playing handball.

wow9gamer said...

the shows had little in common, this series was done on film, had no laugh track and was much more mellow in finding it's humour.LOL Boost
lol elo boosting service