Friday, March 13, 2009
Merch: Mr. Kotter: The Shirt

Monday, March 9, 2009
Shortlived: The Winner
The Winner was Seth McFarlane's (Family Guy) non animated sitcom about a successful man reflecting on his early thirties, when he was a clerk at a video store who lived at home with his coddling mother and not so pleased Father (sitcom veteran Lenny Clarke).
The show was an interesting mash of ideas but for the most part it felt like a less weird version of "Get a Life" with Rob Corddry pretty much being a more audience friendly Chris Eliot.
Fox aired the initial six episodes sporadically as possible and then it was gone, it seemed like they were placating McFarlane and nothing more. A lot of brilliant shows come out of Fox and they get plenty of support, then other times they cancel Futurama, Firefly and Family Guy, I don't get it.
Personally, I liked the series, Corddry is a great lead and the show was set in Buffalo, NY ( Having been weaned on Buffalo TV, I consider myself an honoury resident, no really). Also, the character worked in a lousy retail job in the early ninties, something I can certainly relate to.
I'm not surprised it didn't last though...
Friday, March 6, 2009
Never Seen Again!

That 70s Show: In an early episode, the gang is being driven crazy by Donna's bratty little sister, she is never heard from again. What the hell did they do to her?

My Three Sons: Mike Douglas, the eldest boy of the guy who looks like Shazam just pfffft! disappeared in 1965, maybe he's with Adam Cartwright...

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Shortlived: Working
Working was Fred Savage's attempt to get back into TV and be taken seriously as an adult actor after years of child success on the Wonder Years. I don't know why it wasn't a bigger hit, the show was tapping into that whole "Cubicle Comedy" craze that Dilbert seemed to launch.
Savage proved to be a good leading man and the show was actually very funny, often absurd and over the top but I'm a fan of that. The second season did a big cast change (something I'm not a fan of, let a show grow I say) and it never recovered.
When I watch other Corporate Sitcoms like "The Office" and "The IT crowd", I have to admit that I think Working got the shaft.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Syndicated: Out of the World
Out of this World was the story of Evie, who on her 16th Birthday is told that her father is an alien, no, not like the gardener (an actual joke from the pilot) but a space alien. The onset of puberty brings along special powers for Evie like the ability to stop time.
If you haven't seen this show, I'll spoil it for you, it's not very good. I'll also confess that I've seen every episode! You see, OOTW (as we fans refer to it as) ran at 12:30 when I was in college. Which was right after "Leave it to Beaver" and either it was my love for series co-star Doug McClure or my hatred for Political Science (Oh how I failed that year) but somehow I sat through all 96 episodes. Maybe at the start of every show I got fooled into thinking it was Buck Rogers, seeing as the stock footage is all taken from there.
Burt Reynolds (yes that Burt Reynolds) did the voice of Evie's deadbeat space dad, which came out of a fancy lava lamp thingee. Evie and her mom (played by "Angie" Donna Pescow) were also beleagured by a crew of whacky neighbours and relatives such as their fat, food crazed Uncle Beano and "comedian" Buzz Bellmondo, who was truly the "Ray Jay Johnson" of the 1980s.
I wish I could back in time and beat the living hell of my college self...