Thursday, May 14, 2009

Merch: Family Ties Game

Anybody else think it's odd that the manufacturers felt the need to cram Skippy Handleman's face onto the box? I mean by this time Michael J Fox was a movie star, did they think Marc Price's mugging face was going to sell 10,000 more units?


Alpha Stone said...

The Marc Price addition is extremely perplexing.

Instead, I think a picture of drunk Uncle Ned would've worked better.


Geez this is even Creepyer than that painting in the opening credits.I would think that they would've put Nick a.k.a( a sad attempt at creating the next Fonz)into the picture

wee67 said...

Wasn't Price becoming a more and more popular character by the show's end with more screen time for Skippy? I seem to remember entire episodes around him.

rob! said...

Wow, there was Family Ties merch??