Out of the Blue was a short lived series from the Happy Days Conglomerate (although some debate exists as to whether or not it's a spin off, I honestly don't care). Most of you may remember the annoying episode where Chachi sells his soul and an angel comes to help. It's pretty much a religious variation on the Mork episode just not as headache inducing.
The series that resulted, was the Mork formula through and through, a magical being played by a stand up comic (in this case Random the angel played by comedian Jimmy Brogan) comes to live with a family of orphans living with their aunt (a pre "Designing Women" Dixie Carter) and keep his magic powers a secret. Oh, did I mention hilarity ensued?
It didn't last very long, from what I can remember it was a pretty unspectacular series.
You can see the original opening on Retro Junk, I was depressed at how much I remembered.....
I never watched this show, primarily because it starred Jimmy Brogan. His entire comedy act consisted of talking to people in the audience (Where are you from? What do you do for a living?) and then making snide remarks at their responses. He never had any actual material. The opening credits look like every other sitcom from the late 70s/early 80s, right down to the disco-inspired theme. Thank God "Cheers" was not far off!
I have no memory of this show. Jeez, did I go outside for a half an hour a week?
Shows like this taught me what "formulaic" meant before I ever heard the word.
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